Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Zombies Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are!

Listen Up:

If you are a Brain Eater, Night of the Living Dead, Neck Hanging By a Thread Kinda Zombie then You and all your Cool Zombie Friends are Invited to the
 Jefferson City's

 4th Annual ZOMBIE WALK.

When: SAT. Oct 22nd

Where: Meet up at the Capitol Bldg.-5pm
What: Walk the Downtown along High St. to the River Regional Library.

Then:The Teens After Party is at the River Regional Library

Who: Everyone is Invited!

All the young flesh eaters will be enjoying their own after party at the River Regional Library.
Be there all you Teenage Zombie's or be square!

Attention to everyone who participates in this event. It Will Be Filmed and posted onto YouTube.

The Jefferson City Zombie Walk
was inspired by the following Video!

Check out our Youtube Channel where U can see our ZW

Zombie Etiquette

A recap of basic zombie mob procedures & etiquette (all stolen from
Show up at the meeting point on time. Arrive dressed as either a zombie (fake blood, torn clothing, vacant stare) or a zombie victim (place a piece of duct tape somewhere visible upon your person, and wear clothes that you do not mind having torn and bloodied). Act like zombies. Attack and “convert” victims. (If you have it, bring extra blood and makup for conversions.) Shamble where the mob shambles. Have fun, but be respectful of innocent bystanders and private property.
1. If you are wearing duct tape on your torso, the mob will attack you, ruin your clothes, eat your brains.
2. Zombies will not get blood on innocent bystanders or their things.
3. Zombies will leave private property reasonably soon after being asked.
4. Zombies who don’t exhibit these behaviors will be beaten into shape by their fellow horde, and or possibly eaten!

Past Zombie Walk Poster: